Triscele Art FoodCalamarata striped of Semolina - Classic

Produzione Pasta Secca Fresca Pastificio Vercelli Grugliasco Pinerolo Venaria Reale Alba Verbania
Produzione Pasta Secca Fresca Pastificio Bra Carmagnola Novi Ligure Tortona Chivasso Fossano  Ivrea
Produzione Pasta Secca Fresca Pastificio Orbassano Milano Brescia Monza Bergamo Como Busto Arsizio

WHEAT. Origin of wheat: Italy - Sicily | Country of milling: Italy - Sicily
PROCESSING. Bronze drawing - Drying: very long process at low temperature.

TRISCELE ART FOOD is an agricultural pasta factory, producing artisanal dry pasta from a careful selection of our best durum wheat grown in Sicily.

The cultivation of wheat takes place without using herbicides, without GMOs, in full respect of nature and for increase the quality of the final product. Wheat is ground between cylinders.

Bronze-drawn, rough and porous, this type of pasta is capable of retaining any type of sauce in the best possible way. The pasta, carefully positioned on food frames, is dried in computerized cells at a low temperature, for up to 36 hours, until it reaches a perfect state of drying.

The final packaging of the product is always manually. Cooking time: 15 minutes. Net Weight: 14,1 oz.


Calamarata: diameter 22 mm and length of 25 mm.

Durum wheat semolina pasta.

Durum wheat semolina.

ENERGY: 1562 kJ / 373 kcal
TOTAL FAT: 0,9 g - of which Saturated Fats: 0,2 g
CARBOHYDRATES: 78,5 g - of which Sugars: 1,9 g
DIETARY FIBERS: 0,8 g - PROTEIN: 12,4 g - SALT: 0,03 g

Cooking 15 minutes.

Contains gluten. May contain: eggs, mustard, soy.

Store in a cool and dry place, away from light and heat sources.